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Online Registration

Welcome to the San Pasqual Union School District!

New student enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is open.

New student enrollment for the current school year can be submitted at any time.

New student enrollment will be processed through ParentVUE, a secure, online portal where you will electronically submit all required documents and complete all enrollment forms digitally using a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Once your student's enrollment is complete, stay connected by using ParentVUE to check attendance, contact your child's teacher, and more!

Children turning 5 by September 1st, 2024 will attend Kindergarten. Children turning 5 between September 2nd and June 2025 will attend Transitional Kindergarten.

IMPORTANT: UNTIL ALL DOCUMENTS (Birth Verification, Proof of Residency, Immunization, Oral Health, and School Entry Health Exam) ARE RECEIVED BY SPU, THE ENROLLMENT PROCESS IS NOT COMPLETE.  

Enrollment Steps

Step 1 - Gather all required documents

Verification of age

Provide one document: 

    a) Certified copy of a birth record
    b) Statement by the local registrar or county recorder certifying the date of birth
    c) County recorder certifying the date of birth
    d) Baptism certificate duly attested
    e) Passport
    f) When none of the foregoing is obtainable, an affidavit of the parent, guardian, or custodian of the minor, or any other appropriate means of proving the age of the child.

Immunization records

Complete immunization records must be presented at the time of registration. Registration and school placement will not be finalized until complete documentation showing that the child meets all California immunization requirements for school entry has been received. 

Please note that all students entering 7th-8th grades must be immunized with a Pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine booster called Tdap. Additionally, incoming 7th graders, pursuant to California Education Code Section 49452.7, type 2 diabetes information is available: Type 2 Diabetes Information.

For more information, visit Shots for School (IMMUNIZATION BRANCH), a California website about immunizations required for school entry.=

Need more support with vaccines? Visit San Diego County Immunization Program 

Proof of residence

Provide two of the accepted documents listed below:

Documents should be originals and state your name, address, and be dated within the past 30 days.  Acceptable forms are:

  1.  Property tax payment receipt
  2.  Escrow papers to a home (proof of deed must follow
  3. Rental property contract, lease, or payment receipt
  4. Current receipt for deposit with the local utility company and/or receipt for bills paid to a local utility company, i.e. Propane, SDG&E (street address of property must be included)
  5. Pay stubs
  6. Correspondences from a government agency which reliably establishes current residence
  7. Declaration of residency executed under penalty of perjury


Custody documentation (if applicable)

Physical health examination (TK-Kindergarten ONLY)

Please download and have your medical provider complete the Physical Health Examination Form. This form is not needed at the time of initial enrollment, but SPUSD asks that it be completed before your child begins kindergarten. 

Dental health examination (TK-Kindergarten & 1st grade ONLY)

California law requires that a student must provide proof of having received an oral health assessment by May 31st in either TK, Kindergarten or 1st grade, whichever is your child's first year in public school. Please download and have your dental provider complete the Dental Health Examination Form or use this link: SCOHR. This form is not needed at the time of initial enrollment, but SPUSD asks that it be completed before your child begins school. 

Step 2 - Log into ParentVUE

Note: You will need a valid email address in order to create a ParentVUE account. 

New parent to the district? Create a new ParentVUE account: ParentVUE 

Current SPUSD parents may login using their existing ParentVUE credentials. 

Forgot your username or password? Click here and click the "Forgot Password" icon to retrieve your username or reset your password.

Step 3- Read the Family Handbook & Sign the Google Acknowledgement Form

FAmily Handbook - English

Family Handbook- Spanish

    Sign this Google Form    

Funding Survey

New Student Enrollment Resources

You can navigate the enrollment site using the topic listing to the left or the links below. Other topics on this site include: 

Bell Schedules

Boundary Map

Interdistrict Transfers

School Supply List


Affidavit Verification of Student Residency

Caregiver’s Authorization Affidavit

Student Withdrawal Form

Residency Verification

If any District employee reasonably believes the parent/guardian of a student has provided false or unreliable evidence of residency, the District shall make reasonable efforts to determine if the student meets residency requirements. Reasonable efforts include, but are not limited to home visits and investigation by a private detective. Falsification of any information or documents, either written or verbal will result in revocation of enrollment.