Interdistrict Transfer
Welcome to the San Pasqual Union School District!
We're excited you are looking to transfer to San Pasqual Union School (SPUSD). We have some incredible opportunities for your child. The transfer process requires following a few steps:
If you are outside the San Pasqual Union School District boundaries, an Interdistrict Attendance Permit Form 341 will need to be signed off by your district of residence before submission to SPUSD.
If you are unsure if you are in the SPUSD boundaries, check out the map and type in your address to see.
Requests for transfer for the future school year may be submitted beginning March 1.
Requests for transfer are considered in the order they are released from their district of residence.
Requests for transfer may be considered if there is sufficient room in the district in the student’s grade level and program.
Submit a copy of your child’s last Section 504 Educational Plan or special education Individual Education Plan (IEP) if your child is supported by one of these plans.
Requests for transfer for the current year will receive a final decision within 30 calendar days of receipt.
Requests for transfer for the future school year will likely receive a final decision by summer. Late submissions may receive a final decision within 14 days after the start of instruction in the school year for which the transfer is sought.
Parents have a right to appeal to the district within 10 calendar days from the date of denial.
Parents have a right to appeal to the county board of education within 30 calendar days from the final date of a denial.
Transfers may be revoked if the student fails to maintain the conditions of the permit including but not limited to discipline, attendance, and academics.
Residency Verification
If any District employee reasonably believes the parent/guardian of a student has provided false or unreliable evidence of residency, the District shall make reasonable efforts to determine if the student meets residency requirements. Reasonable efforts include, but are not limited to home visits and investigation by a private detective. Falsification of any information or documents, either written or verbal will result in revocation of enrollment.