Digital Citizenship
Since 2003, Common Sense has been the leading source of entertainment and technology recommendations for families and schools. Every day, millions of parents and educators trust Common Sense reviews and advice to help them navigate the digital world with their kids. Together with policymakers, industry leaders, and global media partners, they are building a digital world that works better for all kids, their families, and their communities.
Common Sense
Common Sense Kid's Action
Contains information about Common Sense's work with policymakers, business leaders, and other advocates across the nation to ensure that every child has the opportunity to succeed.
Common Sense: Family Guides
Contains a free guide for parents on School (K-5), Movies, TV, Apps, Books, Creativity, Special Needs Apps.
Common Sense: Parent Concerns
Common Sense: Parent's Blog
Common Sense: Reviews
Contains a free review tool for parents for Movies, Games, Apps, Websites, TV Shows, Books, Music.